
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Noticias sobre Londres

The Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II

The State Funeral of Her Majesty The Queen will take place at Westminster Abbey on Monday, 19th September at 1100hrs BST.  Elements of the State Funeral Service and the associated ceremonial arrangements will pay tribute to The Queen’s extraordinary reign, and Her Majesty’s remarkable life of service as Head of State, Nation and Commonwealth. The Order of Service can be downloaded below: The State Funeral Service will be attended by Heads of State and Overseas Government Representatives, including Foreign Royal Families, Governors General and Realm Prime Ministers. Other representatives of the Realms and the Commonwealth, the Orders of Chivalry including recipients of the Victoria Cross and George Cross, Government, Parliament, devolved Parliaments and Assemblies, the Church, and Her Majesty’s Patronages will form the congregation, along with other public representatives. Almost 200 people who were recognised in The Queen’s Birthday Honours earlier this year will also j...


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Día de detenciones en Alcaldía Iztacalco

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En la Alcaldía Iztacalco es detenido "El Trompo"

Detenido presunto agresor sexual en Iztacalco

El libro Dicknidad del autor Dave Brennan ya se encuentra a la venta


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