
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Bioarte

My work reflects and creates awareness of how dangerous and fragile we really are: Ángel Lartigue

Andalusia, Spain .- All my work is what I define as a process of "putrefaction", one of the biological stages of decomposition, explains Ángel Lartigue, researcher and independent artist born and raised in Houston, Texas. The work of this artist consists in exploring the relationship between the body and the earth thro ugh the use of putrefactive matter as raw material. This has led to experimenting with decomposition processes in works of art, incorporating fungi, insects and even odors captured during field work. In full confinement we conducted an interview with this artist to learn more about his creation How do you define your work? I define my work as a process of "putrefaction", one of the biological stages of decomposition. This research has led me to study human decomposition and the archaeological techniques of exhuming human remains. This moment in my life was crucial for my work because it made me realize how the context of the land, both ecological and ...


Alcaldía Iztacalco realiza acciones de supervisión en tianguis y mercados

Retiran puesto de bebidas alcohólicas y de productos no esenciales en tianquis de Apatlaco

Detenienen a narcomenudista en Iztacalco

Policía de Iztacalco detiene a un hombre por abuso sexual en contra de una joven

Día de detenciones en Alcaldía Iztacalco

Montan Ofrenda Monumental en honor a La Reina Isabel II en Casona del Centro Histórico de la CDMX

Presenta Armando Quintero denuncia penal por fraude y daños patrimoniales a la Deportiva Magdalena Mixihuca

En la Alcaldía Iztacalco es detenido "El Trompo"

Todo listo para la entrega de la 38 edición de los Goya

Detenido presunto agresor sexual en Iztacalco


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