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Emirates and Shell Aviation sign agreement at airline’s Dubai hub

  Emirates has today announced an agreement with Shell Aviation for the supply of over 300,000 gallons of blended SAF for use at the airline’s international hub in Dubai (DXB). The first SAF delivery under the agreement is expected to commence before the end of the year, making it the first time that SAF is supplied through the DXB airport fuelling system.   The agreement is the latest step forward taken by Emirates as part of its environmental strategy that focuses on three areas: emissions reduction, responsible consumption, and the conservation of wildlife and habitats.   As part of the agreement, Emirates will track SAF delivery and its use data through Avelia , one of the world’s first blockchain powered SAF solutions. Avelia is powered by Shell Aviation and Accenture, with support from Energy Web together with American Express Global business travel. Through Avelia, Emirates will purchase the physical SAF and associated environmental attributes to help decarbonise i...


Alcaldía Iztacalco realiza acciones de supervisión en tianguis y mercados

Retiran puesto de bebidas alcohólicas y de productos no esenciales en tianquis de Apatlaco

Detenienen a narcomenudista en Iztacalco

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Día de detenciones en Alcaldía Iztacalco

Montan Ofrenda Monumental en honor a La Reina Isabel II en Casona del Centro Histórico de la CDMX

Presenta Armando Quintero denuncia penal por fraude y daños patrimoniales a la Deportiva Magdalena Mixihuca

En la Alcaldía Iztacalco es detenido "El Trompo"

Detenido presunto agresor sexual en Iztacalco

El libro Dicknidad del autor Dave Brennan ya se encuentra a la venta


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